They say a picture paints a thousand words, and Eviid’s field service functionality embodies that maxim entirely. There has never been a better time to make use of video and photo technology within your enterprise workflow, without any deviation by individuals in the field from the strict processes required to be entirely compliant.

Why? Well, it saves your operatives time and standardises their data and media capture process – say goodbye to overwhelming paperwork on site. Compliance is improved back at base with automatic secure storage and the ability to view and share unambiguous circumstances instantly. It’s also worth noting that with growth in eviid’s form capabilities, such as Augmented Reality (AR) & Optical Character Reading (OCR), it has never been easier for field workers to produce both objective and subjective (professional opinion) reporting back to base for instant and clear decision making.
Eviid captures visual evidence and reporting for field workers and embeds it into any structured workflow much like a step-by-step form, that guides the user to capture the right images, video or other information from on-the-job. It opens up opportunities for organisations to capture media and quickly set up a structured workflow within their chosen enterprise system. The completed form or evidence file is automatically sent back to base and filed correctly in evidential, enterprise-grade quality. It’s also impossible to skip sections within the form, so the field worker doesn’t have to think about what to capture and is guided through the process. Nothing can be accidentally missed.
From an enterprise perspective, it’s a simple mechanism to ensure offsite workforces keep the right records, without needing to rely on the individual completing the form. The added benefit: visual proof gives a more complete picture and offers more compelling evidence – not least in any dispute.
To help the fieldworker, eviid Accord delivers specific guidance about what and how to capture it – whether it’s a close-up photo of a serial number or a quick 360 video of the site. This can be automatically overlaid with GPS location, time and date, so these don’t have to be entered manually. This means that the field will always be in accordance with what is required centrally.
The functionality was initially developed and trialled as a customisable form feature, but in response to demand from organisations looking for streamlined capture of evidence without deviation by the field worker, the solution is now available as a standalone product that can be entirely embedded into any enterprise workflow.
The application is vast and can be applied to any ‘on-the-road’ task where a few key data points and images or videos are needed to record and prove job completion. This could be anything from a boiler servicing to a major risk assessment. There are wider applications in automotive leasing and hire where photo evidence of vehicles is required and in employee and public liability where landlords of commercial premises may wish to capture the upkeep and repair of their estate.